Cavers - JonP, ChrisH, JimT & AdamT.

Adam had expressed interest in caving with the club after seeing a video of Cussey on youtube. Jim and I had wanted to venture into the Dynamite Series of Carlswark for sometime and this seemed like a perfect opportunity for a punters trip as Adam lives in Stoney. We all met at the layby and kitted up briefly discussing our objective to Adam. We dropped Flower Pot and I gave them a brief tour of the Dynamite Series to the duck. I went through first trying my best to keep dry in the puddle. Chris followed and got reyt stuck in the squeeze. Head first, down-hill I can only think what Adam thought, Chris now on the verge of panic, Jim had to retrieve his legs whilst I pushed on his head with my feet! Eventually he budged a little each time and was soon back safely in Midnight Chamber. Adam came through next after being reassured which arms to put in which direction. Jimothy followed "fishscales-style" and managed to squirm his way through an inch at time. I went back through to try and persuade Chris to try it feet first, he did but it wasn't going today and vowed to return soon!

Jim, Adam and I made our way out via Eyam Passage whislt Chris de-rigged Flower Pot and met us at the other end. Adam seemed to enjoy himself, hopefully he'll come again if Jim's bants have not put him off.

Jim flat out (Photo by Jon Pemberton)
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